Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tip 16

Lips don't have oil glands, so they can dry out easily. Give your lips the love they need with these suggestions

-> Don't lick. The cycle of wetting and drying that occurs when you lick your lips quickly causes them to chap.
-> Cover up. On cold or windy days protect your kisser behind a scarf.
-> Boost moisture. Keep the air in your house moist with a humidifier.
-> Lip balm. Sun exposure can make chapped lips even worse, so spread on plenty of lip balm with a sunscreen of SPF 15 or more in it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tip #11

Ginger tea for multiple problems.
Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Tip #12

Banana good source of energy

Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Tip #13

Want healthy skin? Check this!
Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Eat an orange before a workout,you will experience less muscle soreness and they help you stay hydrated...

Tip #15
Rub apple cider vinegar into your scalp (dilute with about 50% water if you have sensitive skin), wrap your head in plastic or a shower cap, then in a towel. Leave this sit for about an hour, then wash. Do this once a week or so to keep dandruff under control.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Gathering all the tips posted on our FB page here.

Tip #1
Mix fresh cream (malai), Pinch of turmeric powder (haldi), saffron (kesar), in rose water, this works as an excellent pack for clear, glowing skin

Tip #2
Feeling Tired, use this tip to get off it.
Photo: Good Morning

Tip #3
Want a clear glowing skin? Check this tip with easily available ingredients honey and lemon.
Photo: Goood Morning !!!!!


Tip #4
Show your scalp some love with Olive oil, oats, baking soda, brown sugar
Photo: Goood Morning !!!!!


Tip #5
Easy Stress buster tip with banana
Photo: Goood Morning !!!!!


Tip #6
Eggplant for Weight loss
Photo: Goood Morning !!!!!


Tip #7
5 Yoga Exercises for Slimming your face
Photo: Goood Morning !!!!!


Tip #8
High Fiber food for good health and fitness
Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Tip #9
Easy way to whiten your teeth using banana peel
Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Constipation problem? Beat it with Milk and Ghee!!

Photo: heyyy everyone .... goood mornin !!!!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Khadi Herbal Facial Massage Gel with aloe vera, neem and basil (prevents pimples) Review

Hello sweeties,

I am back with one more Khadi product Review. It's been more than a week I posted a review as I was busy with some personal work.

About the product

 The product comes in a transparent tub with simple label. It is light green color gel and smells fresh.

Price: Rs.150 for 100 gms
Ingredients and Directions to Use:

Apply in a circular motion on the face area and neck. Wipe of after some time.

My Experience:
When I applied it for the first time I felt  I was applying some cream which is just taken out from a refrigerator! Cool right!! Though it is mentioned that we have to wipe off after some time, I leave it on the face overnight. It gets absorbed easily and dries off. I applied it on the eyelids and my eyes felt burning, so avoid eye areas. I apply it when ever there are few break outs. Yes it does show some effect on pimples. But I don't think it reduces dark spots (I badly need a remedy/product the reduces dark spots effectively :( ).

Over all I felt it is good to have a tub, not a must have product though!!

Advantages are same as other Khadi products. Herbal, decent package, fresh smell, non greasy. Reasonable price for the quantity.

Disadvantage! None as such!

Have queries then post them in the comments below or ask here

Monday, June 10, 2013

Foldable hair brush

Hello sweeties,

Today I am going to review a fold-able hair brush for you. It is a must have in every girls bag. I don't remember which brand this belongs to as I bought it long back. But you can find similar one in Vega for nearly same price.

Price: Rs.100 (approx)

About the product:
Foldable hair brush with mirror, black and pink in color small and easy to carry

Hair looks different when combed and when brushed! This cute baby comes with a mirror, you can easily fold and carry. The bristles are soft and the material is plastic. As you can see in the picture they have soft pink spheres at the end of the bristles so they are not harsh on the scalp. When closed the bristles get compressed together (like the touch me not plant :) ) and the black concave plastic (platform on which bristles are arranged) turns to convex shape (lot of geometry :P)

It can also fit it your pockets unless you are wearing skin tights!!

It is very comfortable to use it and remember it is not for daily use to style the hair. It is only to groom the hair.

Have queries then post them in the comments below or ask here

Friday, June 7, 2013

Khadi Pure amla Ayurvedic Hair Oil

Hello Ladies,

Today I am going to review a hair oil from Khadi again. Though I am using the concoction (posted previously) which is working excellently on  my hair, I wanted to give this a try because I wanted black hair :D My hair is color is kind of brown.

Khadi Pure amla Ayurvedic Hair Oil

Price: Rs.290 for 210 ml

I thought it is pure amla oil and ordered it to add to my concoction so that it improves the color but to my surprise it is not pure amla oil it has other oils in it.

You can find the ingredients and other details in the picture below

My experience:
Immediately after unpacking the box it was disappointing, because it was not pure amla oil but mix of oils. I felt cheated then I convinced myself that its OK the other oils listed are also good (almond oil, vitamin E oil, tulsi oil etc), there is no harm giving it a try. I am not sure if long term application makes the hair black but I only applied it twice or thrice and I hated it. It made my hair dry and frizzy! I have 70% of the product left and no idea what to do with it :( Now I am back to my concoction and happy that it already started repairing the damage :D

By the way the product is dark green in color as if some leaves are boiled in the oil and the smell is strong!

I dint find any, may be the oils listed are good

Every thing price, quality, smell, mainly the name it is misleading!!

Rating: 2/5

I would say you can skip this and try some essential oils instead. I am still in search of pure amla oil :(

Have queries then post them in the comments below or ask here. Also let me know if it worked for you.