Monday, June 10, 2013

Foldable hair brush

Hello sweeties,

Today I am going to review a fold-able hair brush for you. It is a must have in every girls bag. I don't remember which brand this belongs to as I bought it long back. But you can find similar one in Vega for nearly same price.

Price: Rs.100 (approx)

About the product:
Foldable hair brush with mirror, black and pink in color small and easy to carry

Hair looks different when combed and when brushed! This cute baby comes with a mirror, you can easily fold and carry. The bristles are soft and the material is plastic. As you can see in the picture they have soft pink spheres at the end of the bristles so they are not harsh on the scalp. When closed the bristles get compressed together (like the touch me not plant :) ) and the black concave plastic (platform on which bristles are arranged) turns to convex shape (lot of geometry :P)

It can also fit it your pockets unless you are wearing skin tights!!

It is very comfortable to use it and remember it is not for daily use to style the hair. It is only to groom the hair.

Have queries then post them in the comments below or ask here

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