Saturday, June 1, 2013

Statement Rings or Statement Jewellery

There is a lot of haul about Statement jewellery (mainly about Statement rings) these days. Ever wondered what they are?

Here you go..

What is statement jewellery?
Statement jewellery is derived from "Fashion Statement". A statement is something that you want to carry. It  expresses something about the attitude, life style or point of view of the wearer regardless of the genderFor a statement t-shirt could carry a message or  name/image of you favorite star.

So a statement jewellery would carry your/your love's initial or name. Some even have the facility of carrying images :P

So now what is a statement Ring?
Among all accessories which can be used to carry a statement, statement rings are most famous. Generally these are large and are eye catching. They carry initials, symbols, stones etc.

Points to remember when you are planning to buy a statement ring
  • Try to select a ring which you are comfortable with.
  • Make sure it fits your finger properly
  • Try not selecting rings which are very huge and have pointed designs. They get stuck in your hair and garments (Like the Deer's head in the below picture)
  • If you want a pointed design then choose the rings which have design for only half of the ring, if the ring has pointed edges along its perimeter then you end up with scratches all over your body. Mainly on you face 

And yes definitely not like the one in the picture below :D

Don'ts when you are wearing a statement ring:
  • It is better not to wear more than two rings on the same hand
  • Don't wear a watch or bracelet on the hand which has the ring
  • Don't match it with your dress, try to choose a contrasting one
  • Make sure your nails are well groomed because the ring catches attention easily

Have more questions, ask them in the comments below or here

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