Saturday, June 1, 2013

Oil for healthy hair

Dry hair, rough hair, frizzy hair, damaged hair, dandruff, hair loss, hair breakage, graying hair and what not!!

Many of us have at least one or more of the above problems

Healthy hair with shine and volume is a dream for many. Let it be curly hair, wavy hair or straight hair best ways to overcome many problems is
oiling your hair. Yes I am serious, I strongly support this granny's remedy.

I don't promise saying oiling fixes all the problems,  it is not some magic wand, because any hair problem or fix depends on multiple factors like health, lifestyle, food habits and heredity. But I can strongly say that it reduces the intensity of the problem and improves the condition of the hair.

OK, oiling is good, which one? how to use? when to use? how does it help? OK! OK!! I am going to answer them now. Go on read till the end.

Which oil to use?
  • Coconut oil is the most commonly used oil, almond oil is also preferred but so many cannot afford it mainly people like me who have waist length hair. It is better not to use the oils available in the market and prepare your own concoction using 100% pure oils, again based on your hair problems and hair type.
  • To prevent hair fall you can add 5-10 drops of rosemary oil to the base oil (coconut/almond/castor)
  • To fix dry, frizz, rough, breakage prone hair, use grape seed oil. You can also add olive oil.
  • Argan oil and Avacado oil are also good but they are not widely available in India
  • If you want dark hair, you can add Amla oil
  • Find the details of the concoction of oils I use here
How to use?
  • Best way to use oil is warming it and using it.
  • Never heat the oil directly.
  • Mix the oils in a bottle (as in the picture below) and put it in hot water for some time, this way you can even know how hot the oil is. Don't over heat the oil, test the temperature by dropping few drops in your hand before applying.
  • Apply the oil evenly on scalp first (you can achieve this by partitioning the hair) and the go down from there till the ends. Later nicely massage your scalp with your finger tips.
  • Make sure your hair is nicely saturated with oil from roots to tips

When to use?

  • Leave the oil over night and clean off the next day
  • If you don't have any plans of going out then you can leave the oil for a day or two not more than it as the dust can settle.
  • If you don't want to put the oil for so much time, you can apply it one (warm) hour before shower and the cover you hair with a shower cap or a towel dipped in hot oil.

How does it help?
Applying oil has many benefits and that's the reason it was in use from ancient days. Hot oil massage helps in simulating the hair follicle and improve the hair growth. It is great in conditioning the hair and brings the natural shine to the hair. It increases the volume of your hair.

Try to maintain a better lifestyle and food habits to increase the effect of oiling the hair. And don't forget to drink lots of water.

What are you waiting for? Go oil your hair, give it a nice champi....

Have queries? Post them in the comments below or ask here.

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